“Weekend With Ramesh” is among the top reality shows in Kannada. This program is being telecasted every weekend on Zee Kannada. Last week, you could have watched veteran actress “
.” This week will have a beautiful guest,
Sudha Rani
. The 'Manamecchida Hudugi' star shares her experience in cinema as well as in her personal life. Sudha started her career at the tender age of 3. “Kiladi Kittu” is her first movie, which released in 1978. Sudha made her debut as a heroine with
Shiva Rajkumar
in “
.” It was Shivanna’s debut movie too. 'Manamecchida Hudugi' was a superhit one with the same pair. Sudha has shared her screen space with “V. Ravichandran,” “
Anant Nag
, “
” and even with
Ramesh Aravind
. Sudha is not only acting in movies, but also lending her voice too. Don’t forget to watch the 'Manamecchida Hudugi' in Weekend With Ramesh!