Following the Supreme Court order to set up the Cauvery Management Board, the Central Government filed a draft in the SC regarding the CMB. The Supreme Court ordered the Attorney General K K Venugopal to submit the modified draft today for the approval. Before that, the Karnataka government filed a statement on the Supreme Court that the draft doesn’t seem to be in the limit mentioned by the Apex Court and it tries to interfere in the rights of the states. It has submitted a 20-page report regarding this. Earlier, the draft copy had been given to Tamilnadu, Karnataka, Kerala and Pondicherry. While Tamilnadu and Pondicherry are expecting a right verdict, Kerala and Karnataka have complaints regarding the drafts.
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Following the Supreme Court order to set up the Cauvery Management Board, the Central Government filed a draft in the SC regarding the CMB. The Supreme Court ordered the Attorney General K K Venugopal to submit the modified draft today for the approval. Before that, the Karnataka government filed a statement on the Supreme Court that the draft doesn’t seem to be in the limit mentioned by the Apex Court and it tries to interfere in the rights of the states. It has submitted a 20-page report regarding this. Earlier, the draft copy had been given to Tamilnadu, Karnataka, Kerala and Pondicherry. While Tamilnadu and Pondicherry are expecting a right verdict, Kerala and Karnataka have complaints regarding the drafts.