Comedy Khiladigalu is the upcoming reality TV show, which will be aired in Zee Kannada. The contestants are chosen by audition. Nearly 5000 people were auditioned and 14 people were finalised to make their appearance in the show. The comedy show will have both standup comedy and action comedy. The show will be aired on 9:00 pm to 10:00 pm on every Saturday and Sunday. The reality comedy show will be judged by “
,” “
” and Yogaraj Bhatt. Jaggesh, who is basking in the success of Neer Dose with
Suman Ranganathan
and “
,” hasn’t yet committed doing movies. Yogaraj is also celebrating the success of his latest hit
Dana Kayonu
Duniya Vijay
and “
.” Recently, the KFCC President,
Sa Ra Govindu
, requested the cine stars not to compeer the TV shows, but they didn’t lend their ears to him, it seems. Let us wait and watch the reaction of Govindu!