He Is An Insufferable Megalomaniac
He Possesses An Acute Lack Of Self Control
He Possesses A Very Obnoxious Tendency To Never Accept His Mistakes
He Also Makes Fun Of Other People’s Lives In A Depraved Fashion
He Has A Criminal Record
He Is Reportedly Not A Very Good Friend
He Is Also Reportedly A Horrible Boyfriend
He Possesses An Obnoxious Trait For The Lack Of Respect For Females
He Is Not Punctual
He Is Not A Good Human Being
His apparent gloating of power and fame has made him a thorn in the side of filmmakers multiple times in the past. He has reportedly made changes in the scripts of the movies he stars in due to the belief that he is the sole reason that the project even has the capacity to function. As a result he has been dropped out of multiple projects till date.
He has been known for outbursts of rage and violent tendencies against people he purportedly dislikes which is a shame considering that people of his stature are supposed to maintain the highest order of professional behavior and integrity, especially in matters of public life.
He has a history of shrugging off and avoiding accepting the onus for mistakes which only he is responsible for committing.
The media has reported several times that the actor considers his family and himself superior as compared to other people. What happens as a consequence of his actions to the lives of other people is apparently of no consequence.
The story of the hit and run case of Salman when he was allegedly driving while drunk needs no introduction and the question of whether wealth and influence can change the course of justice still looms large.
His childhood friends have apparently mentioned to the media that it is nearly impossible to keep up with his abrasive personality and they stay in fear of his unpredictable aggressiveness and the fact that he is prone to bursts of violence.
The fact that he has had a slew of love affairs with various fashion models and actresses with massive fallouts in the end proves that he is virtually clueless about how to work it all out in a relationship.
He has allegedly treated women with a lack of respect and has caused a great deal of mental harm and embarrassment for them. This only goes on to support his lack of decency in simple matters of human nature.
Filmmakers have reportedly been very frustrated with how he has always ended up several hours late for the shoots with no consideration for the time spent in waiting by the film crew.
His apathy in matters of the crowd that goes to watch his movies and his apparent lack of respect for his fellow human beings have made him into somewhat of an unpopular figure in social and professional circles in the world of entertainment, Bollywood and Hindi cinema at large.