Bebo initially ruled the Bollywood by her glam and fashion and now, even in such difficult days, she wowed us by the way she carries herself. Kareena made sure that the world knew she was proud of her baby bump. The actress had a different glow on her face during the gestation period and made her stand out. With all this confidence, she made sure to keep the paparazzi busy by owning a great maternity wardrobe. The lady wore just the prefect dress that complemented the mother as well as the little baby bump. The following are some of the dresses:-
Bebo wore this cute dress at BBlunt’s beauty event followed by a press conference. She did not accessorize at all, keeping it simple and elegant. The dress had length till her mid-calf, and was pastel blue colored. The actress looked fresh and high of life.
The body, during pregnancy, undergoes various changes. The mom-to-be, Kareena, wore olive hue thigh-high slit to make sure the world knows she is very much comfortable with her changing body. The accessories here are minimal, namely twisted, a watch and an emerald necklace. Bebo seemed very comfortable in the dress.
The speech at Global Citizen witnessed the sexiest mom-to-be. One could see a perfect ratio of royalty, elegance, and style. The mid-length black dress was covered with green, long hunter jacket. This could be one perfect maternity dress. Bebo here dared to wear high heels and flaunted her happiness.
The dress is below her knees and is covered with a long striped cape. The mom-to-be is flaunting her baby bump with utmost happiness. Here she accessorized with a necklace and a watch. Bebo sure knows how to make sure she enjoys her pregnancy to the most.
This too was below the knee length dress, and Bebo was spotted as a cute little girl. The fresh look on her face made the dress, and its colours come to life. The actress wore flat slippers of red colour. Nothing extra was required except for the smile she had on her glowing face.
Bebo is one colourful person, and this dress proves this. The checkered dress was totally complemented by the thrown-on yellow jacket. The white sneakers made sure mommy was comfortable and fashionable. The hair was tied up into a bun and made her look the classy mommy.
The pregnant ladies try to hide their changing bodies, but Bebo is one of a kind. She wore this sleeveless, gray and white tapering checkered dress with utmost pride. The pockets run deep, and the dress seemed comfortable. The mommy chose shoes wisely which were the white sneakers.
The off-shoulder , pale pink dress was just made for her. The dress suited her skin very well. She looked like a princess in the dress. Kareena can surely be termed as yummy-mummy from now on.
Kareena never fails to astound us. At Lakme India’s event, she wore this gorgeous mint green dress with flowers and touching the ground. The baby bump was taken care of by hiding it by the cross-cut over the belly. With this dress on she has definitely become the epitome of beauty.
The baby bump display started with this dress. Bebo was a showstopper at Lakme’s Fashion Week, where, she honored the runway with her presence in olive green sparkling lehenga. The evident smile on her face made us know she is enjoying her pregnancy.