Undoubtedly, Hollywood excels Bollywood when it comes to technology. However, Bollywood has definitely advanced in technology in recent years, but still it’s far away to beat Hollywood. No Bollywood movies can beat movies like Avengers, World War z,
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, Avatar in the technical aspect. Hollywood has technical effects and computer graphics.
In Bollywood, there is action, drama, comedy, romance and emotion in all movies. However, well, in Hollywood you will have to watch five movies for that. It would be not justified to say that Hollywood movies are less entertaining than Bollywood movies.
Bollywood focuses on love stories and identifiable tales, while the other focuses on fiction and action flicks. The depiction of stories in Hollywood and Bollywood is different in many ways. For example, In Bollywood movies, while defusing a bomb, the actor does not have to worry what wire to cut, as he will always choose the right one.
It would be wrong to comment on which film industry gives the most logical movies. The definition of logic varies enormously for both. The length to make it amusing and entertaining is relatively different.
For me, an Indian hero has a lot more to do than Hollywood actors. Most Indian movies unlike Hollywood movies, are Hero-centric. In Bollywood, an actor has to be the one-man army. He has to dance, fight, cry, laugh and what not. I think no other actor of any industry has so much stuff to handle.
In Bollywood, music is THE most important part of a movie. There are dance and music for every emotion: sad, happy, angry, and afraid; you just name it and Bollywood has the song for that. Hollywood does not make film soundtracks so often.
Movies Hollywood makes horror movies; Bollywood does not (Obviously sarcasm!). Indian filmmakers make something so not so terrifying and comic. There is no horror in Bollywood horror movies. Hollywood horrors are spooky and make lot of sense.
There is a huge difference in the pay of actor and actress in Bollywood unlike Hollywood. In this male-dominated society, the fee of a heroine is four times less than hero’s. However, in Hollywood, also, there is pay problem between actor and actress, but it is on a small scale.
Hollywood movies have huge budgets, whereas Bollywood movies have low budgets. There is no comparison as in Hollywood the amount of money required to shoot a sequence might be equivalent to the amount to make a Hindi film.
It is the style of Bollywood that no movie can end on a sad note. Happy endings are a must! Hollywood is too realistic; it is more about creativity, fantasy, crime, reality, thought, love, hate, etc. They usually do not have happy conclusions as they stick to the plot and do not deviate for mere happy endings.