1. The roles of Catelyn Stark and Daenerys Targaryen were allotted to Jeniffer Ehle and
Tamzin Merchant
One who has said that “the most rewarding part for >> Read More...
respectively, in the first place.
2. Sophie Turner, who is playing Sansa Stark in the series, has adopted her Direwolf, renaming it “Zunni." Also, GOT fans have started naming their babies after GOt characters. Incredible!
3. How many languages in the world? Add Dothraki to the list! In 2014, a conversational language course was released by living language in which one could learn the language spoken by Khal Drogo!
4. We do not see many characters in the TV series in the way in which R.R. Martin's Books describe them to be.
Emilia Clarke
Emilia Clarke is a Hollywood actress born on 26th >> Read More...
looks stunning in her role as Daenerys Targaryen. As per the books, the Targaryen family is notable for silver hair and violet eyes. So, if it were not for D.B. Weiss and Benioff, we would probably be watching a Violet-eyed Daenerys!
5. Remember the scene where Daenerys has to eat the heart of a horse? Essentially the heart was a giant gummy candy that tasted like bleach. All the fake blood made the horse heart so sticky that Clarke got stuck to a toilet!
Iwan Rheon
Iwan Rheon is a Welsh television actor who portray >> Read More...
, who is currently playing Ramsay in GOT, was considered to play Jon Snow before
Kit Harington
Kit was born on 26th December 1986 in London and g >> Read More...
got selected and Iwan ended up playing the sadistic Bastard son.
7. The show features a relative of
Charlie Chaplin
Charles Chaplin popularly known as Charlie Chaplin >>
Oona Chaplin
Born on June 4, 1986, in Madrid, Spain, Oona Casti >> Read More...
, who happens to be the granddaughter of Charlie Chaplin, played the role of Rob Stark's late wife. GOT also features many porn stars, starting with Sibel Kekilli, who plays the role of "Shae" in the series.
Peter Dinklage
Peter Dinklage is an American actor, widely known >> Read More...
, who is playing Tyrion Lannister in GOT, is a vegetarian. We see many scenes in which he is having meat, which isn't real. Also, as per the books, Tyrion was supposed to have lost his nose in the Battle of the Blackwater. Since the cost of showing Dinklage without a nose was too much per episode, the
directors decided to give him a scar instead of showing him without a nose.
9. We have seen The great Wall, which is guarded by the Nightwatch. An interesting fact about this is that Hadrian's Wall of Roman Britain became the inspiration of the creation of
The Wall
Click to look into! >>
. Also, Peter Vaughan, who plays Aemon Targaryen in the TV series, happens to be blind in his real life as well. The actor is not just blind but also really old in real life. When he started working for the series, he was 84-year-old. His acting is commendable despite his blindness and his old age.
10. Many characters, like Mance Rayder, are dead in the TV series while originally they were alive as per the books. Game of Thrones also happens to be the most pirated show in the world.