Mohammed Ehteshamuddin’sUdaari debuted on Hum TV on 10 April 2016. The show while lasted for 25 episodes, breaks all barriers and cultural norms by exploring age-old taboos like child abuse, and harassment on the basis of gender, social and economic factors. The story centres around two different landscapes of Pakistan – the rural (Mirpur Village), and the urban (Lahore, Punjab) areas. In Mirpur, we are introduced to the families of two friendly neighbours– Sajida’s (SamiyaMumtaz) and Sheedan’s (Bushra Ansari).
Sheedan has a happy family by all standards; a husband - Maajid (Rehan Sheikh), and together they have a son, Ejaz (Saad), and a daughter, Meera (UrwaHocane). Sajida, on the other hand, is a s...
‘Zindagi Gulzar Hai’ is a family drama of separation and love. This is another Pakistani TV series that was telecast on Zindagi channel. It was aired on Zindagi on 23 June 2014. The show was aired on Arab countries too. In Pakistan, it was telecast on Hum TV. The show was based on a story by Umera Ahmed of the same novel. The show was first premiered on 2012-2013 in Pakistan. As India’s Zindagi channel had adapted an idea of telecasting Pakistani serials for Indian audiences, this drama series was aired on Zindagi.
It is a love story that develops slowly between a college boy (Zaroon Junaid) and girl (Kashaf Murtaza). Initially, there is a difference of o...
Prem Gali is a comedy serial that overlaps with romance and was telecasted on ARY Digital. Written by ‘Faiza Iftikhar’ and directed by ‘Qasim Ali Mureed,’ the serial consists of a total of 32 episodes each having a running time of 40 minutes approximately. The serial tells the story of a young bachelor Hamza who moves in a new home in a small but lively colony known as Prem Gali. His family includes his grandfather, his father Hatim, and his uncle Luqman. No sooner had he set foot in the neighborhood he is enchanted by the beauty of a young woman named Joya and it's a love at first sight situation for him in a cliché setting. Joya along with her family are residents of Prem Gali but has gained a notorio...
Yakeen Ka Safar is an Urdu language TV serial that airs on the Pakistani channel Hum TV. It was created by Momina Duraid under MD Productions and directed by Shahzad Kashmiri. The serial is adapted from the novel “Woh Yakeen Ka Naya Safar” written by Farhat Ishtiaq, who is also the scriptwriter. The main cast of the serial includes Ahad Raza Mir as Dr. Asfandyar Ali Khan, Sajal Ali as Dr. Zubia Khalil, Hira Mani as Gaeti Daniyal Ali Khan, Shaz Khan as Barrister Daniyal Ali Khan, Mohammed Ehteshamuddin as Khalil, Beenish Raja as Sheema Rehan, Afraz Rasool as Rehan Khalil,
Sabeena Syed as Faryaal, Aisha Khan Jr. as Urooj Nisar, Shamyl Khan as Dr. Shahroze, Shameyel Tareen as Dr. Asifa Shahroze, and Salman Saqib Sheikh a...
Habs is a Pakistani serial that premiered on 10th May 2022 on ARY Digital. It is an Urdu language serial. It mainly focuses on Ayesha and Basit, while Ayesha's family which includes her mother, aunt, and two sisters, adds twists to the story. Ayesha is searching for a job to support her family amidst financial crises. On the other hand, Qudsia (Ayesha's mother) wants her daughters to marry a rich guy and settle down. Meanwhile, Ayesha gets a job at Basit's company. Basit is a short tempered person who hates his mom for forcing him to stay with Salman, her husband.
Basit always opposed the idea of marriage until he realized that his late father had made his marriage a condition in his will to acquire possession of the ...
Chupke Chupke is a Pakistani comedy-drama series in Urdu. It aired on Hum TV from April 14, 2021, to May 13, 2021, during Ramadan, under the banner of MD Productions. Danish Nawaz was the director of this critically acclaimed comic series. It also became Pakistan’s third most searched item on Google. It starred Ayeza Khan and Osman Khalid Butt in lead roles. It is also available on YouTube.
Its story revolves around the family of Nawab Sahab. He had two wives, Naik Parwar and Naik Bakht, who lived in separate houses adjacent to each other as neighbors. Naik Bakht lives in Nawab House, and Naik Parwar lives in Nawab Villa. Naik Pa...
Ehd-e-Wafa is a Pakistani television drama show made by Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) and Momina Duraid under MD Productions for Hum TV and PTV Home. It spins around four school friends with various expectations, objectives, and goals and how their lives change after some time as they witness difficulties, and treachery in their kinship and work. The star cast of the show has Ahad Raza Mir, Alizeh Shah, Osman Khalid Butt, Ahmed Ali Akbar, Zara Noor Abbas, and Wahaj Ali.
Four friends, Saad, Shahzain, Shariq, and Shehryar, consider themselves the SSG (Special 'S' Gang since every one of their names starts with the letter 'S'). They all study investigation at Lawrence College in Murree. Saad's ...
One of the most strenuous tasks is to run a family smoothly. Any small clash can divide the whole family set-up. The same rival goes in this story. Agha Khan brings up his two sons, Behroze and Suhaib in a well established manner. They never go against the opinion of Agha Khan which gives him the privelege to choose their partners. But Behroze for the first time steps up for his true love and marries his beloved against the wish of Agha Khan.
This shatters his expectations and Suhaib is forced to marry the woman who is disinterested in him for retaining the honour of Agha Khan. Both the couples struggle through life and that creates bitterness among their relationships. After many years of misunderstandings, they come forward to ...
Suno Chanda stands as a timeless classic, a comedy-drama that graced the screens of PTV Home in 1982. Produced by the Pakistan Television Corporation, this television serial, directed by Rashid Dar and written by Munnu Bhai, tells the heartwarming tale of a couple in search of work in a bustling city.The central characters, Sona (played by Hamid Rana) and his wife Chandi (played by Sheeba Arshad), embody simplicity and innocence. Their journey only unfolds as they navigate the challenges of urban life, taking on various jobs in different households.
Despite their modest means, Sona and Chandi inadvertently become beacons of help and support, touching the lives of those aro...