Divyani Mondal and Somraj Maity play the lead roles in Phulki, a television serial in the Bengali language from India. The production company behind the show is Zee Bangla Productions. The show follows the story of Phulki, a girl with asthma who aspires to participate in a boxing match against boys. Her motivation for winning is the prize money of Rs10000, which she plans to use towards her mother's dialysis expenses. Despite her health condition, Phulki is determined to succeed in the competition.
Phulki delivers gas cylinders for a living. Elsewhere, Rohit blames himself for his brother's untimely death. Later, while trying to make money for her mother'...
StroyNeem Phooler Madhu is a 2022 Bengali television drama series that premiered on Zee Bangla. The drama series is available on the OTT platform Zee5. It features Alokparma Roy, Pallavi Sharma, Srijan Dutta, Rubel Das, Hemnalini Dutta, and Lily Chakraborty in pivotal roles. The show was directed by Anup Chakraborty. The show is centred around the complicated love story of the two protagonists, Alokparna and Srijan. Alokparna and Srijan have an arranged marriage.
Despite being complete opposites, they fall in love amidst the bitter-sweet surprises life throws at them. The story begins at a point where Parna decides to choose an eligible bachelor from a joint family, b...
Jagaddhatri is an ongoing television series airing on channel Zee Bangla and digitally available on Zee5. The show premiered its first episode on 29th August 2022. The Star cast of the show includes Ankita Mallic as Jagaddhatri Mukherjee and Soumyadeep Mukherjee as Swayambhu Mukherjee in lead roles. The series revolves around Jagaddhatri, an orphan girl who becomes a crime officer, and her friend Soumyadeep who is also a crime officer. He comes from a wealthy background. Jagaddhatri's family has no idea about her secret hob. It's a romantic thriller series that involves Jagaddhatri solving crimes while maintaining her identity as an ordinary girl. The show was directed by Sukamal Nath and produced and written by Snehasish Chakrab...
A Bengali TV series called "Anurager Chhowa" is now airing on Star Jalsha. The series has developed a fan base because of its engaging characters and plot. With 336 episodes currently airing, the program continues to capture audiences with its compelling story. Deepa, a regular girl, and Surjo, a doctor, are at the center of the narrative. Despite having diverse backgrounds and going through various hardships, their paths eventually converge, allowing them to see the true beauty within one another. As their relationship grows stronger, they can overcome obstacles and societal biases that attempt to keep them apart. The television show conveys a potent message about how love overcomes all challenges and breaks through barriers. ...
Tomader Rani is a Bengali serial that aired on Star Jalsha. The medical romantic drama’s story is scripted by Susanta Das and Sayantani Bhattacharya, the screenplay is by Ayan Chakraborty, and the dialogues are written by Ananya Roy. Bijoy Maji directed the serial. Susanta Das produced the serial. Sankalpa Dasgupta is the cinematographer, and Amitabh Bagchi is the editor. The serial started airing on 8th September 2023. It premiered every Monday to Friday.
Rani is a medical aspirant. She is forced into the family life and got married into a traditional household. At the age of 18, she got pregnant. However, she doesn’t want to discontinue her studies and break her dreams. She applied for the entrance examination and a...
Ranga Bou is a 2022 Bengali television series aired on the renowned channel Zee Bangla. The show premiered on 19 December 2022 and became highly popular for its unique storyline. It stars Shruti Das in the role of the protagonist Pakhi. The series also features Gourab Roy Chow, who acts as the male protagonist, ‘Ujaan,’ in the drama show. The story revolves around Pakhi, a young and bright woman who is quite excited to get married. Being an optimist, she dreams of a wonderful man and to be in a happy marriage with him. But before her dream of a beautiful marriage could come true, many obstacles come in her life. What are these challenges? How does Pakhi deal with them? The show deals with that.&nb...