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Chinna Annamalai

Tamil Producer Chinna Annamalai
Written By - Team Nettv4u

Chinna Annamalai was an Indian film producer, writer, orator, and politician. He was born on 18 June 1920 in Chiruwayal, Tamil Nadu, and his parents were Nachiyappa Chettiar and Meenakshi, based in Siruwayal village. Chinna Annamalai was also an Indian freedom fighter and got arrested for participating in freedom struggle movements. He was imprisoned at Thiruvadan Jail, where the public rescued him by breaking the bars. Chinna Annamalai has written several books and produced movies. As a screenplay writer, his best work was Ambikapathi. As a producer, his creations are Dharma Raja, Fiindu Lakh, God’s Child, Tangamalai Secretam, General Chakravarthi, and Manidhanum Dheivamagalan. Dharma Raja was written and produced by him that was released in 1980.

Chinna Annamalai had published many books by Kalil, T.S. Soka Lingam, and D.K.C. A weekly magazine, Sankap Pantha, was also run by him. ‘Bharati Was Born’ was one of the most popular books by Kalki. Another famous creation by him was M.B. Knowledge of Shiva. Chinna Annamalai has worked mainly in the Tamil movie industry. Chinna Annamalai is the author of the following books: A story within a story, Sugarcane, Funny stories that make you think, Rajaji Parables, etc. He died on 18 June 1980 of high blood pressure at an ablution ceremony for his 60th birthday.


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