Shenbaga is a sizzling young actress in the South Indian Film industry, mainly in Malayalam and Tamil cinemas. Even though she has only acted in a couple of films, the roles she played and the films she did prove to stay in the hearts of every one of her fans. Shenbga also goes by the name of Chembakam. She was seen to rise to prominence during the 1990s.
Doing some great lead roles as well as supporting characters in many movies, Shenbaga was lucky enough to capture the hearts of all. She had in her an air of gracefulness that helps to be easily distinguished from the other actresses of the time. The projects she undertook too were challenging ones, providing her with a window to showcase every little ounce of talent and skill she had got up her sleeves.
Out of the various movies she has done, her first film 'Pravaachakan' seems to have captured all the viewers interests the most. The film was released in the year 1993. It was directed by 'P. G. Viswambaram'. The film featured many notable actors from the Malayalam film industry such as 'Mukesh', ' Rajan P Dev Rajan P Dev, a Malayalam stage and cinema actor bi >> Read More... ', ' Siddique Siddique, who is a Malayalam film actor, producer, >> Read More... ' and ' Narendra Prasad Narendra Prasad was born on 26th December 1946 at >> Read More... '. Being given the opportunity to do her first Malayalam film with these eminent personalities itself showed a lucky start for Shenbaga.
Being a newbie in the industry, she wasn’t given a big role in the film. But the success of the film had its effects on her too as she got many more exciting offers afterwards. The storyline of the movie 'Pravaachakan' revolves around the life of a young fortune teller whose luck turns his way. But when the Chief Minister gets kidnapped he gets dragged into the whole affair too. The movie thus goes to the wonderful and mysterious kidnapping of the Chief Minister.
Another notable work of Shenbaga was 'Sulthaan Hyderali', which was released in the year 1996. It is a Malayalam film brought up under the directorship of ' Balu Kiriyath Balu Kiriyath is a well-known director, screenwrit >> Read More... '. The lead roles for the film were portrayed by Baiju, Anusha and Silk Smitha Silk Smitha is an unforgettable personality in the >> Read More... . Shenbaga also got to play a relatively prominent role as Mehrunnisa. The movie was able to bring her much closer to her dream of being in the lead role.
By starting off with supporting roles, Shenbaga was able to build her way up, improve her acting wherever needed, so that when finally the offer to do a lead role came, she was able to floor it.