Home Director Malayalam

Malayalam Director


Surya Mohan Malayalam Director
Born: 8 May 1953

Age Now 71

Surya Mohan - (Director)

Shiny Abraham Malayalam Sports
Born: 8 May 1965

Age Now 59

Shiny Abraham

Asha Aravind Malayalam Movie Actress
Born: 8 May 1992

Age Now 32

Asha Aravind - (Movie Actress)

Joshy Mathew Malayalam Director
Born: 8 May 1953

Age Now 71

Joshy Mathew - (Director)

Sree Padma Malayalam TV-Actress
Born: 8 May 1986

Age Now 38

Sree Padma - (TV-Actress)

Asha Nair Malayalam TV-Actress
Born: 8 May 1982

Age Now 42

Asha Nair - (TV-Actress)

Kala Vijayan Malayalam Actress
Born: 8 May 1944

Age Now 80

Kala Vijayan - (Actress)


Director Is The "Lighthouse Of The Film"

The director is one who is responsible for managing the entire production process by using their creativity, organizing skills and technical knowledge. They are the one who can plan and communicate effectively with the others. They have the right to take the final decision regarding any field of the on-going project. They finalize the budget of the movie and form a strategy for working within the same. They do lot of work such as meeting with the producers, selects the script or sometimes they also give ideas about it to the writer, deciding how the shooting will commence, also they help in selecting the site for the shoot.

They help in planning and preparing the shooting schedules; hire the remaining crew members like cinematographer, composer, choreographer, etc. And help in finalizing the cast member. They guide the technical crew throughout the shoot and also oversee the editing procedure.