A contestant of the famous Kannada Reality show “Kannadada Kotyadhipati Season 2," Hussain Basha, won the Rs 1 crore cash prize (ultimate cash prize) on 29th April 2013. He was the first winner of this show. The host was the popular actor, Puneeth Rajkumar. “Kannadada Kotyadhipati” is produced by “BIG Synergy," the Kannada version of the popular Hindi game show “Kaun Banega Crorepati," It is an adaptation of Britain’s popular quiz show “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.” The first winner of the show indeed received much attention and praise from the media and public as well. A college student in 2013, Hussain belongs to a village named “Gangavathi taluk” of Koppal district, Karnataka, India. Coming from a farmer's family with poor financial conditions, his achievement was a huge milestone. With four sisters and a young brother in his family, Hussain had a lot of responsibility. He completed his schooling in the village and later pursued his higher education from a residential High School. He studied at Siddaganga in Tumkur for a few years; Sri Shivakumara Swamiji was his mentor. Unfortunately, Hussain had to quit his studies due to his financial condition and do odd jobs like cleaning lorries. Later, he continued his pre-university course in 2010. He wanted to become an IAS officer.
Hussain believed in working hard and acknowledging one's strength. As stated by him, he had a keen interest in various cultures, and reciting Bhagwat Geeta was his hobby. His victory was quite surprising as he was least expectant of winning the highest cash prize. The primary goal he set was to win the amount enough to clear his family loans. He also wanted to fetch an amount for his sister's education and upliftment of his remote village. However, he got two days to answer the last question. But, it took him only fifteen minutes to give the correct answer to the one-crore question using all his lifelines. This once-in-a-lifetime moment gave the show its first Crorepati. The host Puneeth praised Hussain for his immense knowledge and confidence and wished the best for him. Power of knowledge led to his victory, as stated by Puneeth.