Kaushik is an actor who works in the film industry. He acted in various films such as “Oh Lovely,” which focuses on the character of Santu who decides to leave his home for finding better job opportunities in Kolkata. During one of his job interviews, Santu meets Nidhi and falls in love with her. Soon, they both decide to get married in the registry office. It was released on 25 August 2023 and was directed by Haranath Chakraborty Haranath Chakraborty is an Indian Bengali director >> Read More... . “ Checkmate Story Soon >> Read More... ,” which focuses on the character of Mrinalini Dastidar, who is a detective and used to solve cases along with her colleagues.
Kaushik plays the role of Hirok in this show. It was released on 21 January 2012 and was created by Mitali Bhattacharya Mitali Bhattacharya is an Indian Scriptwriter pred >> Read More... . “Bleep Love,” which focuses on the lives of random people who have to decide between life and dream. Kaushik plays the role of a Bollywood writer in this film. It was released on 15 October 2007 and was directed by Trisha Ray Trisha is the niece of veteran Bengali actress Kar >> Read More... . “Anuranan” focuses on the lives of two couples named Rahul and Nandita, Amit and Preethi who are struggling with their marriage and decide to take a holiday break. They meet each other at a resort and start to share their troubles.
Soon, problems were created in their lives and unexpected truths come to the light as the story progresses. This film was released on 28 November 2006 and directed by Aniruddha Roy Chowdhury Aniruddha Roy Chowdhury is a film director in the >> Read More... . “Nater Guru,” which focuses on the story of a man who is putting efforts to bring his girlfriend’s parents together. They separated from each other for many years because of disagreements, misunderstanding, and pride taking importance in their lives. It was released on 14 March 2003 and was directed by Haranath Chakraborty. “ Titli Click to look into! >> Read More... ,” which was released on 11 July 2020 and was directed by Sumanta Chakraborty and Shubhrajyoti Maity.