Mathu Kathe Vinay Jothe is a Kannada talk show that airs on the channel Star Suvarna. The show was premiered on 15th January 2017 and is aired every Sunday at 11:00 am. On a platform such as this, where the world is used to watching the real and off-camera candid side of their much-loved celebrities, this show takes it a step further and uses this platform for something which could positively affect the lives of millions across the world. Mathu Kathe Vinay Jothe is a health awareness talk show. It might sound like a serious affair, but the show somehow manages to make its balance between being entertaining, inspiring and informative.
The format of this revolutionary chat show is much different from any regular talk show. The show obviously has celebrity guests from the Kannada film industry coming and spilling the beans about their personal and professional lives. Anu Prabhakar Her mother Gayathri Prabhakar, the dubbing artist >> Read More... , Raghu Mukherjee Raghu Mukherjee is an Indian model and film actor >> Read More... , Vaishnavi Sakshi, Rajani Amrutavarshini, Samyukta Hornad Films made in the four major South Indian language >> Read More... , Shwetha Srivatsav Shwetha Srivatsav is a film and television actress >> Read More... , Hemanth Rao Hemanth Rao works mainly in the Kannada cinema as >> Read More... , Shanvi Srivastav, Mayuri Upadhyay, Vilas Nayak, Sudha Rani Sudha Rani is an Indian actress in Kannada movie i >> Read More... , Manvitha Harish, Sri Murali Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , Vijay Raghavendra Born in Bengaluru, Vijay Raghavendra is an Indian >> Read More... are some of the celebrities that have graced this talk show with their presence. Being a healthcare awareness show, they also tend to discuss the importance of taking care of one’s heath, and also discuss fitness routines and the diets that they follow to keep themselves healthy and in shape. This is the first segment and the fun part of the show.
The next segment feature patients, who have fought a chronic disease or an illness and survived it. The show goes to patients who have gone through lung dialysis, survived cancer or major cardiac arrests, etc. and gets them to talk about their story, the struggles they went through both physically and mentally while coping up with the illness and how they emerged victoriously. The stories are inspirational and could give any man the zest to live again. The next segment features a discussion between the host and an expert from the field of medicine about the different kinds of health issues.
This is the informative bit of the show. Oncologists, Nephrologists, transplant physicians, spine surgeons, cardio thoracic vascular surgeons come to the show and talk about different illnesses like Geriatrics, kidney failure, breast cancer, acute kidney disease, spine injuries, heart-related problems, etc. They address these diseases form their roots. They start with explaining the disease/illness, their kinds and then talk about the symptoms, the reasons behind them, and what precautions to take to avoid these illnesses. The show ends with a rapid fire round with the celebrities, which has a hamper as the winning prize. Apart from that, the guests get Chocolates from ‘Jus’ Trufs and Kimera’ as well as The Wellness Spa Salon Vouchers as a token of their presence. The show ends with a selfie of the host with the guests.
The show is hosted by Vinay Bhardwaj, an industrialist and host from Singapore.Vinay was inspired with the idea of this show due to the loss of his mother to cancer. The show first started as “Let’s Talk with Vinay” which turned into Mathu Kathe Vinay Jothe by the end of third season. Since the show is about more serious issues in life, the backdrop of the show has been kept subtle and less jazzy. The backdrop of the set also changes with every episode, even though the essence is kept the same.