Suvarna Ladies Club is a reality show which got aired on the channel Suvarna TV. It is a Kannada language show which got broadcasted every weekend from Saturday to Sunday in the time slot of 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM. It is a show which features ladies from all over Karnataka and who are all a part of the Ladies Club created by Suvarna TV. These clubs have gotten put up in eight cities throughout the state namely, Davanagere, Shivamoga, Gadag, Hubli, Hassan, Mysore, Dharawad, and Bangalore. There are two in Bengaluru itself, one housed in Bangalore North and another in Bangalore South, which brings the total number of clubs to nine. The show gives these ladies a chance to perform and showcase their talent on national television. It also helps them to interact with many like-minded people and share their ideas and passions. A wide array of skills get the chance to get explored and refined further.
The club boasts of having well over fifteen thousand members. It provides all these members a platform for showcasing their talents. Be it in dancing, or singing or just showing their proficiency in the various games that get organized. This series manages to break the monotony of stereotypical jobs as well for many of these ladies. These women also get a chance to interact more closely with Suvarna TV as well as the celebrities featured on the channel. These women, many of whom were regular viewers of Suvarna TV as well, get to share what they think regarding the serials telecast and what can get done further. These inputs got incorporated many times if the writers and director of the show feel it has merit and augments the development of their characters.
It isn’t just about fun and games, however. Suvarna TV has also risen to the occasion and helped many women in need of financial assistance and are potentially struggling to make ends meet. Awards are also given out to many women who proceeded to make their mark in a number of vocations. The club and the show even prompted the publication of a book which got titled Suvarna Sampada. All these actions have gone a long way in pulling in fresh audiences and in ensuring the involvement of the viewers and maintain their loyalty. This also gets to gauge the pulse of the viewers and completely understand what they are seeing.