Ninnolumeyindale is a drama series which got aired on the Colors Kannada (part of the ETV Network) channel. This is a Kannada language series which got broadcasted on weekdays from Monday to Friday in the 4:30 to 5:00 PM time slot. It shows us the challenges in the life of Mallika who faces abuse from her husband and cannot tolerate it anymore. She yearns to break free from this life and achieve something substantial for herself. In spite of dedicating her life for her husband and her kids, she has nothing to show for it. The lead roles in this series get portrayed by the talented duo of Manjunath Hegde and Ashvini. They are both extremely talented actors who have made their mark in the Kannada television industry. They have featured in a number of other acclaimed series as well where their work has gotten appreciated in equal measure by both fans and critics.
The story of the series revolves around Mallika, who is the central protagonist of the show. She is a very dutiful and loving wife. She got married to a man named Sunder. He is an extremely renowned host of a popular TV show. He runs a program which deals with family relationships and helped couples who were going through a rough patch. He becomes quite renowned and gets looked up to for advice. But he hides a dark secret. At home, he is an abusive husband who has made his wife’s life a living hell. He frequently tortures her, and she lives under constant fear of him. His sadism is unbearable for her, but she bears it silently for many years. Her only support comes from her kids who stand up for her, but she doesn’t let them take any concrete steps for their sake. They even go to the extent of advising her to find a boyfriend who could comfort her and be there for her.
She however outright rules out the idea. However, she can’t continue with the way things are. She finally leaves her home and takes refuge in an outhouse which got owned by Bhanu. He is a good friend of Namrata’s, who in turn is Mallika’s close friend. While there, she starts to try and start her life afresh. With passing days, she falls in love with the kind and gentle demeanor of Bhanu. She realizes that she is developing feelings for him. Things get complicated when she finds out that even her own daughter has fallen in love with him. She must now decide what she must do and how to deal with her broken marriage and her future.