Mane Munde Mahalakshmi is a reality game show which got aired on the Colors Kannada (part of the ETV Network) channel. This is a Kannada language series and got broadcasted every weekend on Saturday and Sunday in the 9:00 to 10:00 PM time slot. It premiered on 12th January 2013 and ran successfully for a number of months. The series got hosted by the energetic and popular Akul Balaji Akul Balaji, born as Akula Balaji, is an Indian ac >> Read More... . He is one of the most beloved names in the Kannada television industry. The show is a great and unique one the likes of which have rarely gotten seen on Indian TV screens.
The format has got designed so that not only the participants on the show win prizes and money, but also the viewers who are sitting at home and viewing the program. This fun filled game travels straight to the home of viewers across various parts of Karnataka and played right in their own home. The games are simple yet engaging and complete family entertainers. All the members of the household can come together and enjoy it to win some fantastic prizes along with good money. The games involve simple tasks in a time bound manner. These tasks range from straightforward physical tasks which do not need anyone to exert themselves, to memory based games. All of these make the program an endearing one and a fun watch for the entire family.
Akul Balaji does a fantastic job of engaging all members of the household and make them feel involved no matter if they are young kids or senior members of the family. He carries forth a certain charisma and charm which also adds to the fun factor of the show. This aids in engaging the audience members who are sitting at home and watching the show. The fan base is thus quite strong and loyal towards the program. Add to that the prizes offered to the home viewers and this gives them an incentive to watch as well.
The series has been very well appreciated by everyone and garnered excellent ratings as well. The show, in fact, enjoyed a stint as one of the most successful shows which were getting aired on the Colors Kannada channel. Both audiences, as well as critics, were appreciative of the show and the way it was getting handled. This includes the host as well, and he too became a crowd favorite within a considerably short span of time.