Daddy No. 1 is a reality game show on the channel Zee Kannada. The show is a Kannada language one which came on for four days on weekdays between Monday and Thursday in the slot beginning at 9:00 PM. The program got premiered on Indian television screens on 10th November 2008. The program promises to be a celebration of the unique bond which got shared between a father and his children. It is among one of the biggest shows which got put up at that time. It highlighted one of the largest and most magnificently designed sets possible for the show.
The production value which was dedicated to the show was among the highest seen by any regional channel all over India. The show got hosted by the famous television artist Rajesh. The series looks to engage fathers and their children who lie within the seven to twelve-year-old age group. One hundred and twelve teams made it through the auditions. The first couple of episodes got dedicated to conducting the preliminary rounds. In this, four teams got invited on each episode and one team from there advanced to the quarterfinals.
Post the preliminary rounds concluding, the quarter finals got conducted in a similar fashion followed by the semi-finals. Finally, the top four teams vied for winning the grand prize. Daddy No. 1 received a high marketing impetus as well with the Zee Kannada team leaving no stone unturned in making sure the show connects with the audience members. This focus resulted in them gaining a relatively high viewership. The show’s marketing expenditure alone breached the Rs. 1 Crore mark. This is quite a high amount for any regional show. All kinds of avenues got explored for marketing.
On air promotions, print promotions, radio, outdoor media, even contests in schools located throughout the state, alongside mall activations got conducted in the run up to promote the program. With its focus on the bond between fathers and their kid, it got launched in time for Children’s Day. This event was completely capitalized. The series showcases not merely the relationship shared by a father and his child, but also proves to be a holistic entertainment package. It got packed with different games and a variety of acts which tested the fathers on their dexterity, intelligence, strength, and smartness. It even boasts to possess one of the biggest 360-degree sets which have ever gotten seen on any program when it comes to South Indian TV programming.
Owing to the very nature of the gaming activities which got conducted, it involved humongous amounts of oil, balancing, climbing heights, encounters with creepy animals, and more. Owing to this, there existed a full-time ambulance, along with doctors, different experts, and counselors who were available inside the venue all the time.