Inthi Nimma Ankitha is a heart warming Kannada drama which was aired in Zee TV Kannada. The series made its first appearance in the year 2010 and ran till 2011. Even thought the series did not run for a long time but was appreciated by the viewers. The actors of the show gave praise-worthy performances and the audiences accepted them wholeheartedly. A special mention to the main lead who was adored by everyone, the young Nishchitha. The basic plot of the serial is about a man, two women and that of an illegitimate child.
The story starts with a young lady named Anuradha who lives and works in Bangalore. She is the single mother of Ankita, a child who is born of out wedlock. Due to this Anuradha’s father breaks all ties with her and throws her out of the house. Ankita is a mentally challenged child, who upon further diagnosis is revealed to be suffering from dyslexia. Anuradha becomes distressed by this and has an accident. While treating, the doctors discover that Anuradha is suffering from a terminal disease and will not be able to live more than few months.
Upon hearing this Anuradha worries about Ankita’s future, when she finally decides to let Ankita’s biological father know of her existence. Ankita’s father Shekar is an honest and hard working person who lives happily with his wife and son. Shekar’s wife Vidya belonged to a wealthy family, and she goes against their wishes to marry Shekar. Although Vidya’s family dislike Shekar, he doesn’t give two cents about them as he knows his wife loves him immensely. Upon getting a call from Anuradha and hearing his daughter, and that Anuradha is suffering from a terminal disease, Shekar is left shocked. Shekar decides to take Ankita with him to his home but does not reveal to his wife the true nature of his relationship with Ankita.
Vidya is surprised when she starts loving Ankita as her own, her son Abhishek starts liking Ankita and become fast friends. Vidya accepts Ankita even after she comes to know about her relationship with Shekar because she knew of the fact that Anuradha is suffering from a disease from which she would die. The story goes on and in a shocking revelation it is shown that Anuradha is getting better and will not die. Anuradha takes back her daughter, but nothing remains the same. A love triangle brews and all relations are put to the test.
Will Ankita get her father? Will Shekar choose his family or his love for Anuradha and Ankita? Will Vidya lose her husband? To know the answers to these bittersweet questions, watch Inthi Nimma Ankitha.