Zee TV from India started to broadcast Saath Saath Banayenge Ek Aashiyan, Hindi Tv series on 10th March 2008. With only 158 number of episodes, the broadcast finished on 6th November 2008.
The directors
Vijay Saini
, Monga Kamal and
Sandeep Vijay
created this Drama series that became really fast a most wanted series with a well chose cast. Stars like
Sunil Rege
Renuka Israni
, Nimai Bali,Anita Kulkarni and others gave to this series a special glow. The story was specially created to attract young people; the action tries to show us how different cultures can affect the family life and individual’s life. Two grandsons of a family, the Singh’s family from Delhi, got married with girls with a different culture and from different poles, geographically speaking. The main story of series is about the problems of these two couples that really create emotions, romantic scenes, creates dramatis and sometimes funny scenes. When these two couples starts to live under the same roof we get all of these emotions.