Ek Nayi Ummeed Roshni is a Hindi medical drama series, which first premiered on Life OK on 13 July 2015. It used to be telecasted from Monday to Friday, taking up the prime time slot. The last episode aired on 13 November 2015, exactly four months after its premiere and it completed ninety episodes. Pulse Media Entertainment produced this show. The entire ninety episodes have been shot in London and Mumbai. Sanjay Tripathy Sanjay Tripathy is a famous Director and an award- >> Read More... writes the series.
The show is directed by Suhail Tatari Suhail Tatari is a film and TV director who predom >> Read More... and Sahab Ali Khan. Pooja Gor Pooja Gor is a Hindi Television actress. She was b >> Read More... plays the protagonist, as Dr Roshni Singh. It is a story about a doctor (Pooja Gor), who believes in caring more about her patients than the rules of her hospital. Being the youngest in her family, she is used to getting things done her way. Most of the doctors prefer to do business and make money instead of caring about their patient's life, but all that is now about to change. Initially, the series did not receive an overwhelming response, and they had to alter the storyline in order to reach a wider audience.
In the early stages, it was showcased for the world of doctors, but later it started focusing more on the patient's universe. In the first episode, Roshni is a young, promising doctor whose wish is to do her fellowship under a famous cardiac surgeon who goes by the name of Dr Raghunandan, played by Rahul Vohra Having graduated from Université de Bourgogne, act >> Read More... . She starts with a patient who has suffered crucial injuries due to an accident. Dr.AK Singh, played by Amol Palekar Amol Palekar was born on 24th November, 1944 in Mu >> Read More... , is a famous doctor residing in Bhopal. He is also Roshni's grandfather. He helps her examine the particular case in hand.
After carefully studying the case, he comes to the conclusion that the symptoms are related to the Bhopal Gas Tragedy. She passes this new piece of information to the other doctors, which not only helps them to solve the case but she also manages to impress them. Looking at her enthusiasm, Dr Roy asks her to assist Dr Raghunandan. She is now excited and has started to lose all her focus. Roshni keeps making mistakes, which does not impress Dr Raghunandan. The plot revolves around these with some love interests in the middle to maintain the show interesting.