Bhagyalakshmi is an Indian Soap Opera Romantic drama which aired on &TV from 2nd March 2015 to 1 January 2016. With 220 episodes created by Rashmi Sharma Telefilms Limited, the show has Simran Pareenja Simran is the lead character Bhoomi Anshuman Praja >> Read More... playing the role of the lead protagonist – Bhoomi. The show focuses on the daily predicaments that a woman must face every second of her life. With increasing awareness, social revolutions and changing times woman have come a long way from being restricted to their household chores and family. They have now reached a stage where they can assert their free will and speak up for their rights.
Despite this remarkable progress, many middle-class women are confronted with the decision of choosing between building a career or a married life. With constant pressure from societies and unsupporting families, she is often made to give into the latter. But Bhagyalashmi tells a different story altogether. The main protagonist Bhoomi faces the same dilemma of choosing between a professional and a marital life. Bhoomi is an ambitious girl who wants to pursue her dreams and become successful in her life. She is offered a job at Indore but is not allowed to join by her mother who does not want her working anywhere else other than Ujjain. Encouraged and supported by her Tau Ji (Uncle) she starts on her new job.
As the show progresses, Bhoomi’s marriage is fixed with Anshuman (who is Bhopal Prajapati Industries’ owner – Vasundhara Prajapati’s nephew) . Oblivious to the fact that their families were already planning their alliance Bhoomi and Ansh try to figure out a way to convince their families of their relationship. However, when their families come to know about the truth, they feel betrayed. Bhoomi and Anshuman’s lives turn upside down, and they try to win their families over. The show progresses with Ansh and Bhoomi’s love story and the daily challenges that they face in their lives.
Eventually, the story takes a major twist withBhoomi’s death, after which the show takes a leap of few months and Divya takes over the responsibilities in the Prajapati family. Season 1 ends with everyone in the Prajapati family dying and the show takes a generation leap and continues as Saubhagyalakshmi which airs on the same channel and the same slot. This season revolves around the lives of Kavya, Kuhu and Muskan (the daughters of Divya, Pavitra and Bhoomi from the last season).
The first season has Aruna Irani Aruna Irani is an Indian actress who has acted in >> Read More... as Vasundhara Prajapati, Simran Pareenja as Bhoomi Prajapati and Varun Sharma Varun  Sharma is the well-known as Choocha in the >> Read More... as Anshuman Prajapati. While, the second season Saubhagyalakshmi has Abigail Jain Abigail Rajeev Jain is a gorgeous lady born on Feb >> Read More... as Kavya Anshuman Prajapati, Sara Khan Sara Khan is a popular Indian TV actress. She won >> Read More... as Kuhu Upadhyay and Apurva Agnihotri Apurva Agnihotri is an Indian Hindi television ser >> Read More... as Samarth Ranawat.