Durgesh Nandinii is a drama TV series broadcasted from Sony Entertainment TV in India, which is based on the Durgeshnondini novel from the Bengali writer, poet and journalist, Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay. It is the first Bengali romance novel that was published in Bengali in the year 1865. The show was directed by
Arvind Babbal
that was premiered on February 5, 2007 and ends on November 15, 2007.
The story is about Durgesh Nandinii that characterizes two sides of our distinct society, which is the modern wealthy life and the rural countryside side of life. The series started when Dharamadas Shrivstava, the rich industrialist who died and builds an ignorant and an orphaned girl called as Durgesh Nandinii (played by
Rinku Ghosh
). She dwells in the small rural village in Lalgunj and became Dharamadas’ trustee on his entire properties. His two sons and daughter were surprised to hear the news that their father has given all his wealth to a stranger. The entire family was extremely aggravated when Durgesh arrives and builds her own village. The journey of Nandinii’s life started…
Gurpreet Singh
, Uttkasrsha Naik,
Ankur Nayyar
Nishant Shokeen
Harshal Gaglani
, Parishit Sahni, Beena,
Anupam Bhattacharya
Mohit Malik
also appeared in the TV series.