Bharadwaj Bahuein is a Hindi television serial. The serial aired on Colors Rishtey channel. The serial’s original name was Sasural Simar Ka. Initially, it premiered on Colors TV. The popularity of Sasural Simar Ka forced the producers to relaunch the serial on Colors Rishtey. Rashmi Sharma Telefilms produced this serial. The storyline revolves around two sisters, Simar and Roli. Simar is an aspiring dancer and wants to pursue a dance career, but his father does not support her decision and fixes her marriage with Prem Bharadwaj. Everything was going smoothly.
On the wedding day, Simar decides to participate in a dance competition for which she has been preparing for a long time. Roli helps Simar to escape from the marriage venue. Roli sits in place of Simar to hide the truth. Simar goes to the competition and performs there. During all this, Roli performs the rituals in place of Simar by hiding her face from everyone. After Simar returned, they switched places, and Simar married Prem. Simar and Prem become a happy couple after the marriage, but soon, the truth of Simar performing on the day of the wedding unfolds itself.
This incident creates turbulence in the family. The serial introduces a new character, Siddhant. Eventually, Siddhant marries Roli and restores the harmony in the family. The story then introduces Khushi, who seeks revenge on the family. She marries Sankalp, Prem’s cousin. Simar tries to conceive a baby but undergoes a miscarriage. She tries to conceive again but fails. She becomes heartbroken. Khushi takes advantage of the situation and offers to become the surrogate mother. She deceitfully occupies the property of the Bharadwaj family with an accomplice, Veeru. She gives birth to Simar’s daughter Anjali. Roli intelligently traps Veeru and gets back the property paper.
Veeru shoots Roli, and everyone presumes her to be dead. But Simar finds out that Roli is alive and is in the hold of Veeru. Simar rescues Roli, and Siddhant remarries Roli. Roli gets kidnapped by Jwala Devi, a politician. Roli escapes from captivity but accidentally kills a woman named Sunaina. To save Roli, Simar takes the place of Sunaina and lives with Vikrant and his daughter Sanjana. Everyone believes that Simar is dead. This serial leaps for two years. Simar takes care of Sanjana, and Roli takes care of Anjali. It turns out Roli didn’t kill Sunaina, and the Mehta family was the real culprit. Simar returns to her family and exposes the Mehta’s. The serial takes many twists and turns and introduces supernatural fantasies in the plot.