Qurbaan Hua is a drama television show that revolves around two characters called Chahat and Neel. Chahat Rahil Baig is the daughter of Dr. Rahil Baig. She respects her father a lot because of his profession and wants to be like him. She comes from a Muslim family. On the other end of the spectrum is Neelkanth Bhatt Dhyani who comes from a Hindu family. He is a chef and hates his father. His father didn’t show up to the funeral of his mother and so their relationship went to dust from that point onwards. The only person Neel loves is his sister. Since they both lost their mother at a young age and their father was absent for most of their life, their bond grew stronger and now it’s unbreakable.
His sister’s name is Saraswati and she often is sick. Her regular physician is Dr. Rahil Baig and he treats her with utmost care. Saraswati is also married to Alekh who cheats on her one day and she finds out. She goes into shock and ends up in the hospital of Dr. Rahi Baig. He starts operating her but unfortunately, she dies in the operation room. Alekh blames her death on Dr. Baig and he loses his reputation as a doctor. The whole city starts blaming him and he has to escape the city and Chahat helps him. Now Chahat wants to destroy the Dhyani family because of what they did to her father and for this purpose she begins a relationship with Neel. From here onwards begin the dark tale of revenge.
The show has a stellar cast which includes names such as Pratibha Ranta Pratibha Ranta is an Indian actress working in the >> Read More... who plays the role of Chahat and Karan Jotwani Karan Jotwani is a young charming serial actor, wh >> Read More... plays the role of Neel. Apart from them, Sonali Nikam Sonali Nikam is a talented performing artist in TV >> Read More... appears on the show as Saraswati, Parakh Madan Parakh Madan is Indian film and television actress >> Read More... as Gazala Baig, and many more talented actors. The show was directed by Tabrez Khan The Hindi actor Tabrez Khan has made his debut in >> Read More... and written by Sameer Garud Sameer Garud is a name that belongs to the screenp >> Read More... , Shilpa Jathar Shilpa Jathar is a well-known daily soap writer in >> Read More... , Gaurav Sharma Gaurav Sharma is an Indian television actor. He wa >> Read More... , and Zaheer Shaikh Zaheer is a writer in the entertainment industry. >> Read More... . The show began airing from 25th February 2020 in Zee TV.