Kanaa Kaanum Kaalangal Kalloori Saalai is a drama series that got aired on the Star Vijay channel. It is a Tamil serial which got broadcasted from Monday to Friday. It focussed on the story of a group of school-going children and their journey in their teens. It is among the first shows to get aired on Indian television in the Tamil language, focusing chiefly on adolescence and its challenges to school life. It went on to top the TRP ratings. It is a sequel to Kanaa Kaanum Kalangal. The show started it all and achieved a cult following among the viewers. It was appreciated due to the original story and real-life feel of the stories and characters.
The dialogues filled with local lingos and slang, which genuinely reflected teenagers and their thought processes. The original got followed up with another sequel which got titled Kanaa Kaanum Kaalangal Kallooriyin Kadhai. This, too, got loved by the audiences but did not enjoy the success the original enjoyed. However, it was still among one of the most popular and widely followed series. Kanaa Kaanum Kaalangal Kalloori Saalai is thus the third edition in this series. It follows up on the events of the previous two seasons and the central characters' lives.
We have our beloved protagonists in the clutches of their teen years and handling the pressures of growing up, their parents’ expectations, study pressures, and love or the lack thereof. They deal with the numerous challenges which come in their lives. Not earth-shattering once you look back at them ten years down the line, but we all can relate to having gone through in our teen years. The original Kanaa Kaanum Kalangal had a slew of fresh faces selected for the leading roles. Star Vijay had conducted a comprehensive talent search for students between the age of fourteen and twenty-two years.
Only the roles assigned to Hemalatha and Lingeswaran were pre-decided since they had prior experience in acting. All the others selected were students who acted for the very first time. The chosen final team consisted of Shiva, Irfan, Hari Haran Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , Balaji, Monisha, Madhu, Iyappan, Stalin, Kiran, Priya, Poornima, Haritha, Dinesh, Siva, Ravikumar, Chander, Ramesh, Sriram, and Raghavendra.
Kana Kaanum Kalangal Kalloori Saalai Reunion
The trend-setting series started in 2006 and had four seasons. Many stars who started their career with the show are at the top. This series attracted many people attracted to Vijay TV. In 2021, a grand reunion of this series was arranged by Vijay TV, and it was telecast on the channel on 18th July 2021. Except for Hemalatha, who played Raghavi, Rishikesh, Shiva, Krishnapriya, and Bhanuchander, almost every lead star was present. From Actress Rekha and Mohammed Irfan Mohammed Irfan is a playback singer for movies who >> Read More... to Haripriya Vigneshkumar, everyone took part in the reunion and cherished their pleasant memories on the set.
From the school season, Mohammed Irfan, Kiran, Aiyappan, Black Pandi, Monica, Prabhu, Michael Thangadurai People who have seen Michael’s dancing will admit >> Read More... , Puli, Ravi, Sriram, Anbu, the PT Master, and a few others took part in the show. From the college batch, Sai Pramoditha, Nisha Ganesh, Vishnu Vijay Vishnu Vijay is a well-known Indian music composer >> Read More... , Ganesh Saravanan Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , Ramesh Thilak Ramesh Thilak is a radio jockey and actor; he work >> Read More... , Bala Saravanan Bala Saravanan is an Indian Tamil cinema actor. He >> Read More... , Vasu, Frank, Alagappan, Jacqueline Fernandes, Vidhya, Swetha, and Bala were seen at the reunion. Rio Raj VJ Rio Raj is an anchor, who is associated with Su >> Read More... , Britto Mano Britto Mano aka Mano is a Tamil actor who works in >> Read More... , Vetri, Abhi, Sai Gayathri, Vaishali, Ashritha, and Mani took part, and they are from the fourth season.
Deepak Dinkar Deepak Dinkar is a popular image in the Tamil Tele >> Read More... and Nakshatra Nagesh hosted the reunion show. Â