Chandrika is a drama series which came on the channel Udaya TV. The show is a Kannada language one which came on every weekday betweenMonday and Friday in the slot of 9:30 PM. The show got directed by the acclaimed director S. Narayan. He is a recognized name in the Kannada television industry. In fact, he has gotten the title of Kala Samrat owing to the fabulous work he has done and the success his creations have enjoyed. And not merely television, he has directed numerous hits in the Kannada film circuit as well.
Apart from directing big hits, he has also produced many as well. His talents extend further than this as well wherein he has written the screenplay and composed the music for quite a few famous movies and television serials which we all love and adore. He got supported by an able cast too. All of them have played their roles beautifully and consist of some of the most noted names in the industry. This ensemble includes the likes of K.P. Nanjundi, who also goes by the alias of Nanjundachar, and has portrayed the lead protagonist’s role. He has developed into a household name throughout the state of Karnataka. His partnership with S. Narayan is an old one wherein they have worked on other successful serials as well. Their partnership has resulted in classics such as Ambika and Bhageerathi.
Both of these got produced and made for Udaya TV as well. Nanjundi played the role of Panduranga, who is an advocate by profession and a good citizen overall. His acting and the depth he added to the protagonist’s characterisation have enabled the serial to reach the top of the rating lists within a relatively short duration. It got counted amongst one of the biggest hits in the Kannada television circuit. Nanjundi got revered for his crisp dialogue delivery that connected easily with the viewers. Many times it was very spontaneous and included colloquial words and references.
All these features combined made him a favorite amidst the masses. However, acting was a secondary line of work for him. His original profession was that of a jeweler. Acting happened by chance, but he took to it easily and delivered another great performance in the lead role of Narayan's Bhageerathi. He got complemented by the award winning actress Hamsa, who has gotten recognized the Indian Television Academy following her role in Chandrika.