The director of the film
Into The Woods
Click to look into! >>
Rob Marshall
Born in Madison, Wisconsin in the USA on October 1 >> Read More...
, and the producers of the film are Rob Marshall, John Deluca,
Marc Platt
Marc Platt is an American producer who has dabbled >> Read More...
, and Callum McDougall. The music director of the film is Stephen Sondheim, and the movie’s cinematographer is Dion Beebe. The editor of the film is Wyatt Smith.
The film features
Emily Blunt
Emily Blunt, also known as Emily Olivia Leah Blunt >> Read More...
Meryl Streep
She’s not just Hollywood giant but also a winner o >> Read More...
James Corden
James Corden's first appearance on-stage was w >>
, Joanna Riding,
Chris Pine
He is known to be one of the most talented new bor >> Read More...
Tracey Ullman
Tracey Ullman is a British television actress, fil >> Read More...
Christine Baranski
Christine Baranski was born on May 2, 1952. She is >> Read More...
Johnny Depp
An iconic award-winning-actor that doesn’t watches >>
, Daniel Huttlestone, Lilla Crawford, Lucy Punch, Mackenzie Mauzy, Tammy Blanchard,
Anna Kendrick
Anna Kendrick was born in Portland on 9th August 1 >> Read More...
, Frances De la Tour,
Billy Magnussen
Billy Magnussen (William Gregory Magnussen) is an >>
, Simon Russel Beale, Richard Crlover, and Annette Crosbie.
The story revolves around a curse that was laid on a Baker’s family by a witch, because of which the Baker and his wife were not able to have a child.
The curse was laid on Baker’s family because his father was caught robbing the witch’s garden when his mother was pregnant. The witch demanded their baby in return. The Witch’s mother gets angry when she gets the news that someone robbed her garden and stole magical beans, so she punishes the Witch by giving her a curse of ageing and ugliness. That is why the Witch snatched the couple’s baby.
The witch agrees to take her curse back from the couple only in one condition, they will have to get all four things from which, the witch will make a potion to break her mother’s curse of aging and ugliness. The four items she demanded were: A cow, white as milk, hairs yellow as corn, a hood red as blood, and a footwear pure as gold, and none of which was allowed to touch.
To gather all the things demanded by witch, The Baker and his wife first meets with Jack, who was selling his cow, the cow was as white as milk. The couple offers him the magical beans that the Baker’s father had stolen from the witch’s garden. Jack’s mother unknowingly grows the seeds into a huge beanstalk.
Then, the couple goes to Red Riding Hood for her red hood, which they saw when she came to their bakery for bread while going to her grandmother’s house.
Then they go to meet Rapunzel( Baker’s own sister who was snatched by the witch), in her tower, in woods.
And finally, to Cinderella for her golden footwear.
After many attempts the couple finally collects all the necessary items. The witch makes a potion from all her youthfulness. After that every character gets a “ Happy ending. ”
The couple has a son; Rapunzel is freed by the witch, and she marries the prince’s brother. Jack climbs the beanstalk and steals enough from the Giant’s palace to fulfill the needs of him and his mother and kills the Giant by cutting the beanstalk; the Red Riding Hood and her grandmother are saved from the big wolf.
However, soon they realise, their happiness was short lived. He is not happy as he is a poor father and cannot fulfill all the needs of his baby. Baker’s wife cheats on him with Cinderella’s prince. Cinderella is sad because her prince cheated on her, and she loses her powers in exchange of her beauty; A second beanstalk grows from the last seed through which Giant’s widow climbs down and threatens everyone to handover Jack to her who killed her husband. All the characters try to protect Jack and in this process, Baker’s wife, Jack’s mother and Riding Hood’s mother and grandmother dies.
The remaining characters, they start blaming each other for the tragedy and at the end, blamed Witch for growing beanstalk. This makes the Witch angry, and she curses all of them for protecting Jack and not taking responsibility of their actions her again, and then she melts into a large pit of boiling tar.
The remaining characters start planning to kill Giant’s wife. They lure her to step into the pit of boiling tar, but she slips and falls with a tree falling over her and dies.
Now, the characters move forward in their lives. Jack, Riding Hood and Cinderella who are orphans now joins the bakery of the Baker. The story ends with a scene of Baker who is telling the same story to him to make him sleep.
Star performance
Meryl Streep, as Witch, did complete justice to her character. She played her role excellently.
Johnny Deep as the wolf, is super entertaining. He got a very little screen time but he stole the show.
All the other characters were also portrayed beautifully by other actors.
“ Into The Woods ” is a musical movie. The movie is fantastic and will never let you get bored of it.
The director tries to connect all popular stories of Disney together ; Rapunzel, Cinderella, Little Red Ridding Hood, and Jack and the Beanstalk. And intertwines these stories with a new story of The Baker and his wife.
Even tough, the film connects all these stories together, the storyline of the film is completely different from all of them.
The director of the film is. He and his team did a great job. Bringing all the four magical stories together and presenting them altogether with a completely different and unique storyline is definitely not an easy task. But he and his team made it possible with their efforts and hard work.
The film offers breathtaking visuals.
The director has used original voice of actors for the music. And that worked really well. That is something which makes the film stand out from the crowd. Everything, in the movie is just perfect and is up to the mark. Whether it be direction, editing, cinematography, acting performance by the star-cast, or costumes of the characters, everything is mind-blowing.
The story of the movie is very captivating and exciting. Like other Disney movies, this movie is not focused on a happy ending but reflects how every time we don’t get whatever we want, this is only the reality of life.
The movie is full of heart touching, emotional and funny scenes, that will take you on a roller coaster ride of emotions.
What’s there?
What’s not there?
‘ Into The Woods ’ is a thrilling musical fantasy that will take you on a magical ride that will always bring a smile to your face. You should definitely watch this. You will love it for sure.
Drama, Family, Fantasy, Musical
Rob Marshall
02 Hour 04 Minutes
Plot revolves around Drama, Family, Fantasy, Musical, etc.
Yes, it's rated UA
No, it will be available soon on Amazon Prime Video