Back in Action is an action comedy scripted and directed by
Seth Gordon
Seth Gordon is a renowned American Film Director, >> Read More...
and co-scripted by Brendan Obrien. Peter Chernin,
Jenno Topping
Jenna Topping was born in the USA on January 1st, >> Read More...
, Sharla Sumpter Bridgett, Beau Bauman, and Seth Gordon produced the film. Ken Seng cranked the camera, and Peter S Elliot edited the film.
Christopher Lennertz
Christopher Lennertz is an American Music Composer >>
composed the music. The film featured
Cameron Diaz
She’s one of the highest-paid actresses in Hollywo >> Read More...
Jamie Foxx
He is a multi-talented Hollywood icon. He’s a mult >> Read More...
, Glenn Close, Kyle Chandler, Andrew Scott, Jamie Demetriou, McKenna Roberts, and Rylan Jackson.
Matt and Emily are a married couple and have two kids: Alice and Leo. Their kids don’t know about the past of Matt and Emily, where they were once CIA spies. When Matt and Emily pull Alice back from the nightclub, their footage goes viral. After this incident, the last job they did together started haunting them after 15 years. Were they able to solve the issues and lead a happy life with their kids? The rest of the story follows this.
Star Performance
Cameron Diaz and Jamie Foxx have done what was required of them.
For a movie, writing is more important than the popular cast. If there is a grip in writing, which is combined with decent performances and execution, it will make the movie move to the next level. Back in Action has a good set of actors who have given incredible performances in the past and are given roles that are not developed well. The action sequences are okay, but they are not impressive. Though the predictable scenes are not impressive, we are not able to accept the generic content. The visuals and BGM are okay. The production values are good, and the film is technically sound.
What’s There?
What’s Not There?
If the writing had been gripping, the film would’ve reached a wide range of audience.
Action, Comedy
Seth Gordon
01 Hour 54 Minutes
Jamie Foxx, Cameron Diaz, McKenna Roberts, Rylan Jackson, Kyle Chandler, Glenn Close, Jamie Demetriou, Andrew Scott, Fola Evans-Akingbola, Robert Besta, Bashir Salahuddin, Tom Brittney, Ben VanderMey, Jude Mack, Luyanda Unati Lewis-Nyawo, Tobi Bamtefa, Leela Owen, Cruz Hadley, Zion James, Ivan Ivashkin, Katrina Durden, Erol Ismail, George Surry, Victoria Howell, Lee Charles, Erol Mehmet, Gregory Konow, Anthea Greco, Sonny Louis, Matthew Stirling, Andrius Davidenas, Jess Liaudin, Tom Crowley, Elizabeth Hill, David Shaw Parker, Lucy Sheen, George Wigzell, Baylor Albritton, Adam Basil, Pierre Bergman, McKayla Blackstone, Andzelika Bobrova, Frank Caba, John Capel, Sandra Capel, Ruth Clarson, Bern Collaço, Hasani Vibez Comer, Grant Crookes, Eleanor Daniels, Justin Davis, Daniel Charles Doherty, David Dunston, Melissa Emy, Ja\'Naydia Gaines, Luci Grisafe, Jess Haynes, Christian Joyner, Dimitris Kafataris, Lampros Kalfuntzos, Ethan Keaton, Bolaji \'BJ Kenny\' Kehinde, Toby Kibue, Rick Klink, Marian Lorencik, Eeryn Falk Lubicich, Miroslav Marinov, X-Avier Maxson, Nicholas McCluskey, Chéreena Miller, Waseem Mirza, Ario Nahavandi, Paul O\'Kelly, Zack Olds, Bogdana Orleanova, Brent Parris, Jag Patel, Rafael Piamolini, Amore Psiche, Felicita Ramundo, Ophir Raray, Nate James Rea, Zoltan Rencsar, Christine Roberts, Peter Rooney, Sareena Sethi, Roby Singh, Catherine Elizabeth Slack, Michael Southgate, Anna Stadler, Christine Sullivan, David Sullivan, Oxana Sullivan, Alfredo Tavares, Dywayne Thomas, Malika Uter-Moye, Tyler Valerie, Steven Van Tiflin, Charles S. Walker, Dexter Walker, Julia Westcott-Hutton, Poppy Townsend White
Plot revolves around Action, Comedy, etc.
Yes, it's rated UA
No, it will be available soon on Netflix
Peter S. Elliot
Sarah Bicknell, Alice Biddle, Susan Garyantes, Cat Gold, Jamie Hall, Becca Hopper, Patricia Johnson, Steven Lawrence, James McClellan, Rob Nagy, Tom Still, Carol Uraneck, Clint Wallace, Luke Whitelock, Andrew Ainscow, Amy Ajeto, Charlie Bartlett, John Bayles, Rob Bean, Lucy Best, Sean Birkby, Andrew Blood, Nat Bocking, Oskar Brockbank, Sam Brocklebank, Iyanla Brown, Jamie Buchan, Joe Bulford, Lizzy Butler, Chris Caldow, Olivia Carney, Brett Chapman, Sam Chapman, Steven Cloherty, Katelyn Cocherell, Mallorie Coleman, Jack Connolly, Sam Cook, Aisha Coreana, Sofia Ellen Cruciani, Lilla Csato, Callum Davison, Oliver Davison, Grace DeBanks, Jack Dehaan, Paul Duff, Paul Duncan, Harley Ellson, Christopher Ferris, Kevin Fisher, Tanya Fraser, Tyler Free, Scarlett Garland, Kel Genovese, Brendan Gillespie, Ellen Gould, Callum Haden, Oliver Haden, Jayne Hall, Simon Hanis, Natasha Hedges, W.D. Hogan, Emily Holmes, Becca Hopper, Thomas Huber, Andrew Hughes, Lee Humphreys, Jamie Hyde, Harry James, Paul Jones, Sarah Alice Jones, Lara Kaminski, Joanne Khallaf, Jamie Knight, Aleksandra Ola Kucharska, Sedrick Lakpa, Stuart Livingstone, Clarissa Livock, Daisy Lloyd Wilson, David London, Jonathan James Louch, David Lovelock, Craig Lynch, MarÃa López Casado, Victor James Martinez, Felicia Maunu, Richard Mccarthy, Helen Mearns, Stephen Mildwater, Lorna Moon, David Morgan, Liam Morgan, Lydia Moss, Yassmine Najime, Craig Narramore, Dalida Nour, Tara O\'Connell, John O\'Connor, Electra Pappa, Jake Parker, Freddie Paterson, Andrew Phizacklea, Michael Pigott, Michael Pool, Callan Ramirez, Loren Reed, Amber Roe, Guirino Ronci, John Rose, Josh Round, Blake Shelton, Tony Shepherd, Andrew M. Siegel, Lucy Helena Sierra, Marcus Smart, Olivia Somary, James Staples, Neil A. Stone, Dan Sweetman, Agnieszka Szostakowska, Ben Telford, Christopher Thomas, Liberty Thompson, Daniel Tomlinson, Thibault Tosseram, Kate Turner, James Bryant Wactor, Lucy Wall, Ian Way, Max Woodhead, Phoebe Worley, Arabella Wunderlich, Yod Yutamanop, Zach\'Bug\'Allen
Caitriona Anglim, Bronya Arciszewska, Caroline Atherholt-Brown, Laura Bailey, Milly Barter, Cali Berry, Monica Blackmon, Amy Brady, Max Brennan, Katherine Cahill, Amy Cansdale, Kasia Chojnowska, Olivia de Laune, Emily Dear, Diana DeLeon, Ryan Dempsey, Jen Eden, Maggie Foggett, Yannick Gondran, Rhiannon Gregory, Jerry Gunn, Anna Haigh, Brendan Handscombe, Emma Harding, Emma Heath, Cayo Hemming-Warren, Eleanor Howard-Kitching, Benjamin Ip, Felippe Johann, Emily Grace Kirby, Katerina Kojeva, Elizabeth Lean, Molly Mitchell, Chelsea Motherwell, Catriona Muir, Maggie Muller, Sam Murphy, Hugo Peacock, Chloe Roche, Melissa Rogula, Susan Russell, Roman Santa Croce, Lula Schofield, Georgia Sedmak, Jackson Soar, Emma Taylor, Lindsey Thaxton, Jocelyn Walker, Tory Fay Wells, Hannah Tucker Wilson, Beth Wootton, Richard Sale
Shepherd Frankel
Alicia Aguilera, Dimitri Anderegg, Sarrah Anderson, Angel Angelov, Jyoti Arora, Saharsh Bahaley, Anu Bamidele, Michael Bangs, Liam Barlow, Jacquie Barnbrook, Tom Barrett, Zack Beshears, Zaheer Bijapure, Dejan Boshkov, Ari Brown, Nick Brown, Anthony Cabula, Christopher Cheng, Erika Chlupsa, Austin Cronin, Andy Cuthbert, Kawa Darshan, Alexander Dewar, Aritra Dey, Jeremy Dineen, Steven Ditcher, Loïs Douady, Dave Duarte, Jack Dunn, Khaled El Masry, Stephanie Espinetti, Phylicia Feldman, Francesca Floris, Rositsa Gardjeliyska, Georgi Garnevski, Jereme Gelske, Hongfei Geng, Geoffroy Givry, Blake Goedde, Wesley Goins, Sivan Goundar, Bryan Haines, Jim Hatley, Max Hicks, Aditya Hora, Efrem Janev, Rachael Janson, Christian Jelen, Tova Jonas, Mbalu Kamara, Duncan Key, Ahmed Khaled, Hasan Khan, Rohit Prakash Khonde, Sasho Kocevski, Stan Kolev, Michael Kulzer, Eunsoo Kwon, Erran Lake, Srdjan Latinovic, George Lewis, Frederick Lissau, Renan Lopes, Desiree Lunsford, Subhadip Malakar, Rafael Martins, Muha Masoud, S. Michaela McCool, Mina Mikhail, Diana Moneva, Charlotte Monksfield, Didier Muenza, Erik Nash, Gabriel Neville, Konstantin Nikolov, Abdelkader Nouar, Kathleen O\'Clock, William Page, Jeremy Paige, Sukumar Panakkal, Pan Panyanutarak, Varun Singh Parihar, Jesus Parras Chica, Shaleen Patel, Kalidas Patil, Andrew Paul, Hristo Pavlov, Peyo Peev, Ezra Pike, Michael Pistorio, Marko Popovic, Stephan F Potgieter, Santosh Kedar Prasad, Natalija Radovanovic, Vivek Rakholiya, Francisco Ramirez, Chetan Rathod, George Redstone, Anna Reszutarz, Brandon Rhodes, Sanju S, Harikrishnan S., Anjum Sakharkar, Pratik Sampat, Shubham Singh Sharma, Kerry Shea, Marc Smith, Patrick Smith, Barde Sravan, Jim Steel, Ivan Stefanovic, Ida Stoycheva, Charul Tatte, Mark Tuminello, Brice Vallee, Petar Velitchkov, Antoine Vigneault, Sarah Waxman, Valerie Wilson, Sam Winkler, Felix Wolf, Oli Wolstencroft, Mike Woodhead, Pablo Franquebalme Ãlvarez, David Flamer, Luis Pinhão