“A R Rahman” had already won two Oscars and made the Indians pride. It is to be noted that the Rahman's students' music composition has been nominated for the Oscar for the first time. We have to wait and watch if they grab the award. Gopi Sunder composed the music for Puli Murugan, a Malayalam film that features “Mohanlal,” Kamalinee Mukherjee and “Namitha.” Kadanayum Kaal Silambe is the song that is chosen for the Oscar. The song sung by “K J Yesudas” and Vani Jayaram, is one among the seventy songs chosen by the Academy Of Motion Picture Arts And Science. AR Rahman’s students composed the music for the film Lake of Fire. Have You Ever Wondered, I Will Be and We Will Party All Night from the film have been chosen for Oscar. The final list will be announced on 23rd January 2018. The songs will be staged on 28th February and the awards will be presented on 4th March 2018.