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Vikram In A Hollywood Remake!

Tuesday, October 4th, 2016
Vikram In A Hollywood Remake!
It is rumoured that Chiyaan Vikram Vikram is from the Tamil family. His father is Chr >> Read More... has been planning to play in the remake of a super hit Hollywood film, Don’t Breathe. The film, which was shot with $10 Million, grabbed $120 Million. The film that released on 25th August 2016 has been still running in some theatres. The film is about three thieves, who planned to loot a visually challenged senior man, who lives all alone in a house, with a lump sum of money. The three thieves choose to live in the abandoned house, next to that of the senior man. Soon, they find out that they are trapped. What is their next attempt is the rest of the story! A famous producer has plans to remake the film in Tamil with Vikram. The producer is ready to shell out money if Vikram is willing to give his dates. Will Vikram accept the offer? This is a sort of negative role, which Vikram hasn’t done, before. Let us wait for the reply from Vikram.