,” The Thalapathy of Kollywood was highly expected to enter into the politics. His dad S A Chandrasekhar once stated that he had shown all the way to Vijay and it is up to him to choose his path. Recently, Vijay fans made a poster that spoke about Vijay’s political entry. It was said that Vijay would announce his political entry on his birthday. However, nothing is confirmed. Vijay is playing in “
A R Murugadoss
” movie with
Keerthy Suresh
. A shooting video leaked today and in that video, Vijay is seen along with the college students and it is guessed that the film might be about NEET and the demerits in the educational system. In “
,” Vijay spoke about GST and Digital India issues and it reached well. It is heard that Vijay requests the directors to give importance to the societal issues and the way to solve them. In this angle, it seems Vijay might enter the politics.