Supreme Court rejected Karnataka’s plea to finalize the draft after the new government is formed. But, the Supreme Court rejected the plea. Similarly, the Tamilnadu government requested to name the movement as Cauvery Management Board and the Supreme Court accepted it. But, two of the requests by the TN governments are rejected and they are: Cauvery Management Board’s Headquarters should be located in Delhi and to lead the Cauvery Management Board, a retired judge should be appointed. The draft had been submitted and the Chief Justice Dipak Mishra ordered the Attorney General K K Venugopal to submit the modified draft for the approval, tomorrow. Will the Supreme Court approve the draft? We have to wait and watch!
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Supreme Court rejected Karnataka’s plea to finalize the draft after the new government is formed. But, the Supreme Court rejected the plea. Similarly, the Tamilnadu government requested to name the movement as Cauvery Management Board and the Supreme Court accepted it. But, two of the requests by the TN governments are rejected and they are: Cauvery Management Board’s Headquarters should be located in Delhi and to lead the Cauvery Management Board, a retired judge should be appointed. The draft had been submitted and the Chief Justice Dipak Mishra ordered the Attorney General K K Venugopal to submit the modified draft for the approval, tomorrow. Will the Supreme Court approve the draft? We have to wait and watch!