,” the talented actor had been targeted by the Karnataka protesters for the speech he made before nine years. Even after the explanation by director “S. S. Rajamouli,” the protesters raised their voice against the actor and had burnt his effigies. Although there is no need for the actor to apologize, he decided to do only for the release of “
Baahubali 2
” and his director Rajamouli. He also requested the filmmakers not to book him in the films, if they fear that their film would get caught in similar issues like Baahubali2. Sathyaraj raised his voice for Tamils, who had been attacked in Karnataka, nine years back. After so many years, they had taken this issue unnecessarily. While releasing “Baahubali,” they didn’t take this issue and now this had been made severe. Even some of the Kannada people openly stated that the people, who have taken this issue on their hand are doing it for money and popularity.