Following the Gujarat polls, vote counting had been going on and BJP is all set to conquer the state for the sixth time. Yet, Congress party had given a tough competition to them. Actress “Khushboo,” who had been in the DMK Party earlier, has been in the Congress. Being the Congress Spokesperson, the actress has been commenting on the social networking sites, regularly about the politics. Today, she tweeted, “One man @OfficeOfRG against the entire army of BJP..that is how the BJP saw the #GujaratElection2017 Congress is giving them sleepless nights n nightmares..we have shook them up..great going.” Although Khushboo has been highly involved in the politics, she had never forgotten her career, acting. Khushboo has been playing in “Nandhini,” a TV Serial under her home banner. She will be seen in the Telugu film, “
,” directed by
Trivikram Srinivas
. The film has
Pawan Kalyan
Keerthy Suresh
in the lead roles.