“Petta,” the Superstar “Rajinikanth” film is gearing up for the release on Pongal 2019. Karthik Subbaraj, the “Pizza” director directs the film. “Simran,” Trisha Krishnan, Vijay Sethupathi, Nawazuddin Siddiqui, “M Sasikumar,” “J Mahendran,” Bobby Simha and Megha Akash are in the supporting star cast. The character posters had been released one by one. The latest to release is Trisha and Rajini poster. They look like a couple. Anirudh Ravichander is the music composer. The audio launch has been going at a brisk pace at Sri Sairam College Auditorium. There are 11 tracks in the album and 4 are instrumentals. Two songs are already released and Marana Mass had got huge appreciation from the audiences. Anirudh performed the songs live at the audio launch and impressed his fans. Sun Pictures had started promoting the film and the promotions are in a different level. The hype on the movie is high and let us wait and watch, how the film attracts the audiences!