“Miruthan” is the first Tamil Zombie movie. Recently, the film was screened at the Neuchatel International Fantastic Film Festival, which was held in Switzerland. When the film was screened, the audiences laughed at the smoking disclaimer.
Anurag Kashyap
, the Bollywood director attended the 17th Swiss film festival, as his latest film Raman Raghav 2.o was screened at the film festival. He tweeted, "Film Festival in Switzerland showing the Tamil Zombie movie, 'Miruthan'. Guess where they laughed, hooted the loudest? Smoking disclaimers." Zombie genre is the most popular genre in the western countries and it is new to India. Miruthan is directed by Shakti Soundarrajan and produced by Michael Rayappan. The film featured
Jayam Ravi
Lakshmi Menon
in the lead roles.