Despite the controversy, the bold attempt by “
” in releasing Kaala Karikalan in Karnataka had brought Rs. 10 crores at the box office. The film has collected Rs. 44 crores in Tamilnadu, so far. The film has also been received well in Russia and Saudi Arabia, where the Tamil films release for the first time. As per the latest report, the film has collected Rs. 8.2 Crores in Chennai. The US collection record is Rs. 11.6 Crores in just seven days. It has collected Rs. 10 Crores in UAE and GCC. Malaysia has given a collection record of Rs. 7.1 Crores. As it is the Ramzan month, the film didn’t go well in many places. UK and Kerala had always showed a great record collection of Rajini films, but this time, it didn’t do well. As there are no big films, this weekend, Kaala is expected to cross Rs. 150 crores, this weekend.