,” the actress who has been busy on the social media has been replying to the questions by the fans. She had never hesitated to answer and counter attack the people, who make fun of her. She has been showing a lot of interest in the politics and is in the talks of the people with her strong statement on Superstar “
.” In the latest TV show, Kasthuri stated that Rajini would definitely enter the politics. She has been raising her voice through her social networking page for various societal issues. Although she had been showing her social face on one side, Kasthuri has never failed to show her fun side. She posted the photos of Saravana Stores Saravanan and Thermocol fame Minister Sellur Raju and captioned, “Many tweeple are asking who is my favoritehero in TN now. @sathishb139260 and others, please see the pictures. #superheroes #lovvvvu.”