To get the epithet Superstar was not easy for our Superstar! Superstar “
” had to put a lot of efforts, work dedicatedly, ignore the time and personal wishes to get appreciation and win millions of hearts! If a woman has to get the same epithet, she has to put efforts like the men and work like anything to retain the name earned in the film industry and from the people. “
,” the lady superstar has to face a lot of hurdles to remain the top star in the film industry. If a woman-centric makes a hit in the Tamil film industry, then people ask if it has Nayan. She has earned such a good name among the movie enthusiasts. The wonderful lady, who attracted everyone with her natural performance and proved that a film without hero could reach millions, is celebrating her birthday, today. We wish our dear Nayan, a Happy Birthday! May your dreams come true and the almighty shower his blessings on you!