Finance Minister of Tamilnadu, D Jayakumar submitted the budget report today. He reported the budget and had been reading it aloud to the legislative assembly members for two hours. All on a sudden, Jayakumar started reading it fast. When everyone in the assembly was shocked, Jayakumar asked them, either to read it fast like that or slowly. When the MLAs opined, Jayakumar said that to make the session interesting, he read it fast. On hearing Jayakumar’s comedy timing, the assembly with a commotion turned into an assembly with comedy. After the short break, Jayakumar started reading. Although there were confusions and commotions held in the assembly, Jayakumar managed to make the MLAs laugh at least a minute. Meanwhile, the next assembly session will be held on Monday, announced the Speaker Dhanapal.
Listen to "Finance Minister Jayakumar’s Comedy Timing!"
Finance Minister of Tamilnadu, D Jayakumar submitted the budget report today. He reported the budget and had been reading it aloud to the legislative assembly members for two hours. All on a sudden, Jayakumar started reading it fast. When everyone in the assembly was shocked, Jayakumar asked them, either to read it fast like that or slowly. When the MLAs opined, Jayakumar said that to make the session interesting, he read it fast. On hearing Jayakumar’s comedy timing, the assembly with a commotion turned into an assembly with comedy. After the short break, Jayakumar started reading. Although there were confusions and commotions held in the assembly, Jayakumar managed to make the MLAs laugh at least a minute. Meanwhile, the next assembly session will be held on Monday, announced the Speaker Dhanapal.