,” the popular Malayalam star has played in a Tamil film, “Rajjiyam” with “
.” Dileep married Maju Warrier in 1998 and divorced her in 2014. The couple has a daughter named Meenakshi, who is residing with her father. In 2016, Dileep married his co-star
Kavya Madhavan
. It is heard that
Bhavana Menon
, the close friend of
Manju Warrier
informed her about the relationship between Dileep and Kavya. When Manju inquired him about this, Dileep refuted it. However, it was revealed in his marriage with Kavya. Both the actor and the actress denied that they are not in a relationship and just friends, until a month before their marriage. It is heard that as Bhavana opened about his relationship to Manju, Dileep was angry with her. It is also rumored that he is the one behind Bhavana’s harassment incident. After the cops complete their inquiry, the truth would come out.