“Vijayakanth,” the actor turned politician, is the party leader of DMDK. He had been in the US for the past 40 days to get some treatment for his weak health condition. Recently he posted the pictures of him on his Twitter and in those pictures he looked refreshing. After completing the First Phase of his treatment, Vijayakanth returned to Chennai at 2 am today. He went to Karunanidhi Tomb at Marina at 2:45 am and paid tribute to the lost DMK leader. Along with Vijayakanth, his wife
Premalatha Vijayakanth
and his brother-in-law LK Sudheesh went to Karunanidhi’s tomb. Earlier when he was getting the treatment in the US, Vijayakanth sent a video message, after hearing the death of Kalaignar Karunanidhi. He was seen crying and said that he misses a father like figure. Everyone who watched the video went emotional.