Following the voting counting, the BJP Party will form the government in Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand. To prove the majority in UP, BJP requires victories in 202 constituencies and as per the reports, it is leading in 190 places. UP was a castle of Samajwadi Party.
Akhilesh Yadav
made an alliance with Congress, this election. However, they could gain the support of the people. It was reported that Aam Admi party would capture the seats in Punjab and might set a rule. But, Congress is leading in Punjab and AAP had a setback. After 15 years, BJP grabs the rule in UP. After 1968, UP had seen the President rule for 9 times. After 2002, Samajwadi and Bahujan Samaj were ruling the state. Meanwhile, in Goa and Punjab, Congress Party leads. In Manipur,
Irom Sharmila
is facing a setback.