,” the talented actor of Kollywood released the trailer of “Thangaradham,” today. The film is directed by Balamurugan and produced by CM Vargees. The film has Vetri, Soundarrajan, Adithi Krishna,
Aadukalam Naren
and Naan Kadavul Rajendran in the cast. Arya watched the trailer and the songs and appreciated the team for their effort. During the launch event, the hero Vetri, actor Soundarrajan, producer CM Vargees, director Balamurugan, music director
Tony Britto
and the production admin Binuram. Meanwhile, Arya will be launching yet another trailer on his official Twitter page. Yes, it is Vizhithiru directed by
Meera Kathiravan
and the film has
Krishna Kulasekaran
, “Dhansika” and “
” in the lead roles.