” made her debut through “Sakkarakatti,” a Tamil movie. Though, she did not gain much through that film, her recent films, have given her a good identification. In fact, she is busy in all the southern language movies. Vedhika is at present waiting for her Kannada movie with Shiva Raj Kumar named, “
.” She has also committed a Malayalam movie with “
.” Apart from this, she has managed to pair
Prithviraj Sukumaran
in “James And Alice.” This is not the first time, Prithvi and Vedhika, pair. They have already performed in a Tamil movie, “
,” which gave both Prithvi and Vedhika a good name.
Sudheer Karamana
, “
Parvathy Nair
, Manju Pilla and
Sijoy Varghese
are also performing in the movie. Doordarshan’s former Chief,
John Samuel
is also playing an important role in the movie.