“Puli Murugan” is the upcoming film by the Complete Actor, “Mohanlal.” The film is one among the most anticipated Malayalam movies of the year. The film is directed by Vysakh. Mohanlal appears as an animal trainer. A
Bengal Tiger
plays a vital role in the film. Recently, the director Vysakh announced that the first teaser of the film would be released on 21st May. The specialty of the teaser is the introduction scene of Mohanlal and it will be a superb treat to the die-hard Mohanlal fans. The teaser is an adorable gift from Puli Murugan team to Mohanlal on his birthday. Besides Mohanlal, the film has “
Jagapati Babu
Kamalinee Mukherjee
, “
,” Bala and
Suraj Venjaramoodu
in pivotal roles. Gopi Sunder is the music composer of Puli Murugan. Shaji cares the cinematography department and
Tomichan Mulakupadam
produces the film on a large scale.