,” the film that recreated the legendary star, “Kotigobba” “
,” released last weekend and had been running successfully. The film has been released in Tamil and Telugu besides Kannada. With the help of digital head technology, Vishnu Dada has been recreated and Nagarahavu is his 201st film. For the first four days, the film has collected Rs. 6.5 Crores at the box office. It is heard that there are lots of female audiences for the film that has Ramya alias
Divya Spandana
in the lead. On the whole, the first-week collection is Rs. 9.5 Cr and it is expected that the film would collect Rs. 3 crores in this weekend. The response of the audience in excellent and the climax appearance of Vishnu Dada is incredible. The collection reports from Tamil and Telugu versions are yet to be calculated. Stay glued with us for the latest updates on Sandalwood!