’s upcoming movie “Rathaavara” is gearing up for the release. Theatrical trailer for the film is released yesterday in the Oreon Mall PVR Multiplex. After “Ugram,” Srimurali’s fans were not favored with any movies. They are longing for his movie for two years. In the film, Srimurali pairs with
Rachita Ram
. We could see their chemistry worked out well in this film. Apart from scripting, Chandrasekhar Bandiappa wields the megaphone with Murali. Ravishankar, Chikkanna,
Sadhu Kokila
and Loki are donning the key roles. Manjunath produces this action blockbuster for “Srimurali.” The movie received the “U/A” certificate from the Censor Board Officials and will be premiered on 4th December.